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Who am i?

Wassup! Im yakut, a high school software developer. Im 18 years old and experienced in Python, Java, JavaScript, TypeScript, Kotlin, HTML and CSS.

What am I doing?

Im currently developing on Java for certain Minecraft servers.

Website Development

With my experience in web development, i have the skills to design and develop user-friendly and effective websites. Using modern web technologies effectively, i have the ability to optimize projects and create unique online experiences.

Plugin Development

Equipped with a foundation in the Java language, I am knowledgeable in developing Minecraft Bukkit plugins. This allows me to enhance the server experience by introducing custom features and providing solutions tailored to the needs of the gaming community.

Python Knowledge

With a basic knowledge of the Python language, I can successfully write and handle basic programming tasks. The flexible nature of Python allows me to create solutions that address various scenarios in my projects.

Server Management and Community Relations

I have been active in the industry for a long time and am effective in fulfilling the responsibilities of server administration. My authorised role not only contributes to the development of the community, but also improves the overall user experience. I use my experience and focus on the successful management of servers.

Where can you reach me?

These are the social media channels i use. You can contact me through the links provided.